ITU-R BS.2088-1 - BW64

This Recommendation contains the specification of the Broadcast Wave 64Bit (BW64) audio file format including the new chunks <ds64>, <axml>, <bxml>, <sxml> and <chna>, which enable the file to carry large multichannel files and metadata including the Audio Definition Model (ADM) specified in Recommendation ITU-R BS.2076.

While this document is about a new format, it is built on top of RIFF and includes relevant sections of [RIFF1991] in section "Annex 2":

The information in this Annex is taken from the specification documents of the RIFF file format. It is included for information only. It is included due to the lack of a reliable external source for referencing.

It provides an alternate source for information specified in [RIFF1991] .

[BW64] Long-form file format for the international exchange of audio programme materials with metadata 2.0 (2019).


TODO: implement spec_detail widget

|    id: BW64
|    title: Long-form file format for the international exchange of audio programme materials with metadata
|    publication_year: 2019
|    authority: ITU-R
|    urls: [,!!PDF-E.pdf]
|    publication_date: 2019-10
|    version: 2.0
|    see:

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