Note: all chunks are four bytes. PAD is "PAD ". The last character is a space (ASCII 32).

A PAD chunk represents padding. It contains no relevant data; it is a space filler of arbitrary size. When duplicating the file, the copier should maintain the padding of the PAD chunk. Specifically, if the PAD chunk makes the next chunk align on a 2K boundary in the physical file, then this alignment should be preserved even if the size of the PAD chunk must change

Chunk Name Bytes Type conditionDescriptionWRID
PAD id 4 u8[4] id = PAD ...>id
PAD size 4 u32 ...>size
PAD padding size u8[size] ...>padding

Learning References


  • [RIFF1994] New Multimedia Data Types and Data Techniques 3.0(1994). See pages 12-22.