TODO: overview

The WAVE form is NEARLY the perfect file format for storing a sampled sound synthesizer's samples. Bits per sample, sample rate, number of channels, and complex looping can be specified with current WAVE subchunks, but a sample's pitch and its desired volume relative to other samples cannot. The optional instrument subchunk defined below fills in these needed parameters

Chunk Name Bytes Type conditionDescriptionWRID
inst id 4 u8[4] id = "inst" ...>id
inst size 4 u32 ...>size
inst unshifted_note 1 u8 MIDI note number that corresponds to the unshifted pitch of the sample. Valid values range from 0 to 127. ...>unshifted_note
inst fine_tune 1 i8 Pitch shift adjustment in cents (or 100ths of a semitone) needed to hit unshifted_note value exactly. fine_tune can be used to compensate for tuning errors in the sampling process. Valid values range from -50 to 50. ...>fine_tune
inst gain 1 i8 Suggested volume setting for the sample in decibels. A value of zero decibels suggests no change in the volume. A value of -6 decibels suggests reducing the amplitude of the sample by two. ...>gain
inst low_note 1 u8 Suggested usable MIDI note number range of the sample. Valid values range from 0 to 127. ...>low_note
inst high_note 1 u8 Suggested usable MIDI note number range of the sample. Valid values range from 0 to 127. ...>high_note
inst low_velocity 1 u8 Suggested usable MIDI velocity range of the sample. Valid values range from 0 to 127. ...>low_velocity
inst high_velocity 1 u8 Suggested usable MIDI velocity range of the sample. Valid values range from 0 to 127. ...>high_velocity

Learning References


  • [RIFF1994] New Multimedia Data Types and Data Techniques 3.0(1994). See pages 12-22.