Note: all chunks are four bytes. MD5 is "MD5 ". The last character is a space (ASCII 32).

TODO: overview

... cue-points chunk identifies a series of positions in the waveform data stream.

Chunk GroupName Bytes Type conditionDescriptionWRID
cue id 4 u8[4] id = "cue " ...>id
cue size 4 u32 ...>size
cue cue_points 4 u32 Count of cue points. The number of times the cue-point struct repeats within this chunk. ...>cue_points
cue cue_point name 4 u32 cue-point field: Specifies the cue point name. Each record must have a unique dwName field. ...>name
cue cue_point position 4 u32 cue-point field: Specifies the sample position of the cue point. This is the sequential sample number within the play order. See plst chunk, for a discussion of the play order. ...>position
cue cue_point chunk_id 4 u8[4] cue-point field: Specifies the name or chunk ID of the chunk containing the cue point. ...>chunk_id
cue cue_point chunk_start 4 u32 cue-point field: Specifies the file position of the start of the chunk containing the cue point. This is a byte offset relative to the start of the data section of the ‘wavl’ LIST chunk. ...>chunk_start
cue cue_point block_start 4 u32 cue-point field: Specifies the file position of the start of the block containing the position. This is a byte offset relative to the start of the data section of the ‘wavl’ LIST chunk. ...>block_start
cue cue_point sample_offset 4 u32 cue-point field: Specifies the sample offset of the cue point relative to the start of the block. ...>sample_offset

All fields where Repeat Group = cue_point repeat cue_points times as a group (struct).


  • See the "Cue-Points Chunk", "Examples of File Position Values" section of [RIFF1991] for basic information on interpreting the cue-point values. However, it doesn't clearly specify some things. For example: is sample_offset a byte offset, or a "frame" offset (sample rate * channels).

Learning References


  • [RIFF1991] Multimedia Programming Interface and Data Specifications 1.0(1991). See pages 56-65.
  • [RIFF1994] New Multimedia Data Types and Data Techniques 3.0(1994). See pages 12-22.