TODO: overview

The associated data list provides the ability to attach information like labels to sections of the waveform data stream.


LIST-adtl chunk

Chunk Name Bytes Type conditionDescriptionWRID
LIST-adtl id 4 u8[4] id = LIST ...>id
LIST-adtl size 4 u32 ...>size
LIST-adtl list_type 4 u8[4] list_type = adtl ...>list_type

labl chunk

Chunk Name Bytes Type conditionDescriptionWRID
labl id 4 u8[4] id = labl The ‘labl’ chunk contains a label, or title, to associate with a cue point. ...>labl>id
labl size 4 u32 ...>labl>size
labl name 4 u32 Specifies the cue point name. This value must match one of the names listed in the cue chunk' cue-point table. ...>labl>name
labl text size ZSTR Specifies a NULL-terminated string containing a text label. ...>labl>text

note chunk

Chunk Name Bytes Type conditionDescriptionWRID
note id 4 u8[4] id = note The ‘note’ chunk contains comment text for a cue point ...>note>id
note size 4 u32 ...>note>size
note name 4 u32 Specifies the cue point name. This value must match one of the names listed in the cue chunk' cue-point table. ...>note>name
note text size ZSTR Specifies a NULL-terminated string containing comment text. ...>note>text

ltxt chunk

Chunk Name Bytes Type conditionDescriptionWRID
ltxt id 4 u8[4] id = ltxt The “ ltxt” chunk contains text that is associated with a data segment of specific length ...>ltxt>id
ltxt size 4 u32 ...>ltxt>size
ltxt name 4 u32 Specifies the cue point name. This value must match one of the names listed in the cue chunk' cue-point table. ...>ltxt>name
ltxt sample_length 4 u32 Specifies the number of samples in the segment of waveform data. ...>ltxt>sample_length
ltxt purpose 4 u32 Specifies the type or purpose of the text. For example, dwPurpose can specify a FOURCC code like 'scrp' for script text or 'capt' for close-caption text. ...>ltxt>purpose
ltxt country_code 2 u16 Specifies the country code for the text. See "Country Codes" in CSET chunk, for a current list of country codes. ...>ltxt>country_code
ltxt language 2 u16 Specify the language for the text. See "Language and Dialect Codes" in CSET chunk, for a current list of language and dialect codes. ...>ltxt>language
ltxt dialect 2 u16 Specify the dialect codes for the text. See "Language and Dialect Codes" in CSET chunk, for a current list of language and dialect codes. ...>ltxt>dialect
ltxt code_page 2 u16 Specifies the code page for the text. See CSET chunk for details. ...>ltxt>code_page
ltxt text size-20 u8[size-20] ...>ltxt>text

file chunk

Chunk Name Bytes Type conditionDescriptionWRID
file id 4 u8[4] id = file The 'file' chunk contains information described in other file formats (for example, an 'RDIB' file or an ASCII text file). ...>file>id
file size 4 u32 ...>file>size
file name 4 u32 Specifies the cue point name. This value must match one of the names listed in the cue chunk' cue-point table. ...>file>name
file media_type 4 DWORD Specifies the cue point name. This value must match one of the names listed in the cue-point table.Specifies the file type contained in the fileData field. If the fileData section contains a RIFF form, the dwMedType field is the same as the RIFF form type for the file. This field can contain a zero value. ...>file>media_type
file file_data size-8 u8[size-8] Contains the media file. ...>file>file_data

Learning References


  • [RIFF1991] Multimedia Programming Interface and Data Specifications 1.0(1991). See pages 56-65.
  • [RIFF1994] New Multimedia Data Types and Data Techniques 3.0(1994). See pages 12-22.