Chunk reference


  • RIFF-WAVE (REF) – Container structure for multimedia data.
  • fmt (REF) – Format of audio samples in data chunk.
  • fact (DRAFT) – Number of samples for compressed audio in data chunk.
  • data (DRAFT) – TODO: description of data
  • LIST-INFO (REF) – A LIST of descripitve text chunks.
  • LIST-adtl (REF) – A LIST of CuePoint annotation chunks.
  • cue (REF) – A series of positions in the waveform data chunk.
  • plst (REF) – Play order for cue points. Very rare.
  • CSET (REF) – Character set information. Code page, language, etc. Very Rare.
  • LIST-wavl (REF) – A LIST of audio and/or silence chunks: data, slnt
  • inst (REF) – Pitch, volume, and velocity for playback by sampler.
  • smpl (DRAFT) – Information needed for use as a sampling instrument.
  • bext (REF) – Broadcast Extension for motion picture, radio and television.
  • MD5 – MD5 checksum of data chunk
  • JUNK – padding, filler or outdated information
  • PAD – padding, filler or outdated information
  • FLLR – padding, filler or outdated information

DRAFT: Under construction, needs review.
REF: Ready for use as a reference, technical data confirmed to match specifications. Context, usage and explanitory text not written or complete.